Code of Conduct
Airspace (Balloons, Drones, etc.)
No devices may be flown or tethered within the confines of the Exhibit Hall or at any Comic-Con function in the San Diego Convention Center and on Convention Center grounds. This includes drones, helium balloons and helium-filled products, or any lighter-than-air objects either powered or unpowered.
Badges or wristbands are to be worn at all times at Music City Multi Con and will be checked at all entry doors.
Code of Conduct
Attendees must respect commonsense rules for public behavior, personal interaction, common courtesy, and respect for private property. Harassing or offensive behavior will not be tolerated. Music City Multi Con reserves the right to revoke, without refund, the membership and badge of any attendee not in compliance with this policy. Persons finding themselves in a situation where they feel their safety is at risk or who become aware of an attendee not in compliance with this policy should immediately locate the nearest member of security or staff member so that the matter can be handled in an expeditious manner.
Costume Props Policy
No functional props or weapons are allowed at Music City Multi Con. Simulated or costume weapons may be allowed as a part of your costume, subject to prior approval by security and compliance with the following:
All costume props and weapons must be inspected daily at the Registration Desk.
Functional firearms are not permitted in the event or on event grounds, this includes actual firearms, BB guns, airsoft guns, pellet guns, paintball guns, cap guns, realistic looking firearms that can be confused with actual firearms. All prop, toy, or fake firearms must be clearly marked with a brightly colored safety cap on the barrel.
Functional projectile weapons are not permitted, including slingshots or other sling devices, crossbows, long and short bows, rubber band guns, etc. Bows and the like are permitted so long as the string is removed or loosened to the point that it cannot fire a projectile. Arrows or projectiles are allowed so long as they do not have a sharp tip and/or any sharp tip is removed.
Metal blade weapons that are sharpened are not permitted including swords, daggers, knives, throwing stars, axes, and the like. Blunt weapons are not permitted including hockey sticks, baseball bats, nunchaku, clubs, brass knuckles, slug devices, etc. Chemical weapons and explosives including fireworks are not permitted.
All costume props and weapons must conform to state and federal law.
Projectile costume props and weapons must be rendered inoperable.
Costume swords must be tied to your costume in such a way that they can’t be drawn.
Costumes featuring stilts must be approved at the Registration Desk.
At certain times, due to crowds and safety issues, people in oversized costumes may be asked to leave the Exhibit Hall.
After your costume props have been checked, they will be tagged by security, and you will be given a wristband to wear to designate that your props have been checked.
If you do not want to have your costume props or weapons inspected or tagged, or if you are not willing to comply with these policies, please do not bring your costume props or weapons to Music City Multi Con.
The Costume Props Policy is subject to change. Please be sure to continue to check this website closer to the event to ensure your costume props comply with the current Costume Props Policy.
No Handouts
No distribution of any materials—including flyers, stickers, cards, or any promotional item—is allowed in any area inside or outside the Farm Bureau Expo Center, except from within a booth in the Vendor Hall or when preapproved by Music City Multi Con organizers.
No Bicycles, Scooters, Segways, or Hoverboards at Music City Multi Con
Scooters, bicycles, and Segways are not allowed on the Farm Bureau Expo Center grounds, including inside the building.
No Handcarts, Trolleys, Rolling Luggage, or Oversized Strollers in the Exhibit Hall
Please be aware that, for safety reasons, no handcarts, trolleys, rolling luggage, or oversized strollers are allowed in Music City Multi Con. Attendees found on the exhibit floor with these items will be asked to leave the Music City Multi Con.
No Live Streaming of Any Program or Event at Music City Multi Con
The usage of live streaming apps and software on any electronic device (smartphones, tablets, laptops, etc.) is not allowed in any official Music City Multi Con program and event rooms.
No Market Research at Music City Multi Con
Music City Multi Con does not allow third-party market research, surveys, or information-gathering in any public area—indoors or outdoors—of the Farm Bureau Expo Center, or any other venue featuring Music City Multi Con events.
No Paging
Please keep in mind that there will be no personal pages over the P.A. system. Set a time and place to meet with your family and friends and communicate with them via text or phone when necessary.
No Pets Allowed
If you have pets, including iguanas, parrots, boa constrictors, or other nonhuman critters, please leave them at home. The Farm Bureau Expo Center will not allow animals into the building except for service animals. If your service animal is not wearing any kind of ID identifying them as a service animal, you may be stopped by security.
No Retail Sales Unless Exhibit Space Has Been Purchased
No retail sales are allowed anywhere in Music City Multi Con unless you purchased or were allocated vendor space. This includes the Vendor Hall, common areas such as lobbies, hallways, and program rooms, or outside venues, such as the Farm Bureau Expo Center grounds as well as any venue featuring official Music City Multi Con events. Retail sales are strictly limited to the exhibitors in the Vendor Hall. In addition, there is no solicitation of tips, fees, or donations for any reason, unless you have a booth, table, or official space allocated by Music City Multi Con.
No Running
For the safety of all, there is absolutely no running anywhere at Music City Multi Con. This includes the programming rooms, the hallways and lobbies, in our outside spaces, and in the Exhibit Hall at all times, especially in the morning when we first open the hall. People caught running may have their badges taken away from them and be ejected from the convention.
No Selfie Sticks or Similar Devices at Music City Multi Con
Selfie sticks, GoPro poles, stilts, or any device that extends your camera or phone away from your hand or body are not allowed at Music City Multi Con. If you’re seen with one of these devices, you will be asked by security to put it away and not use it at Music City Multi Con.
No Smoking, Including E-cigarettes and Vaping Products and Devices
Smoking is not allowed at any Music City Multi Con event at any time and in any location. No smoking at Music City Multi Con includes traditional cigarettes, pipes, cigars, E-cigarettes, or any vaping product or device. This policy includes the Vendor Hall, all the programming rooms, and all event spaces at the Farm Bureau Expo Center and additional Music City Multi Con venues. You are welcome to step outside the Farm Bureau Expo Center to smoke in designated smoking areas only, but please be considerate of others when you do. This policy is in place not only for the comfort of attendees but also to comply with city ordinances prohibiting smoking at public events near any doorway, entrance, exit, or operable window. Please comply with this policy; noncompliance may result in ejection from the convention.
No Video or Audio Recording of Panels for Public Display
Cameras and recording devices are NOT permitted in program and panel rooms.
Please turn off your devices (phones, tablets, laptops, etc.) and put them away during the panels.
Prohibited Items
Outside alcohol or alcoholic beverages cannot be brought inside the Farm Bureau Expo Center. Food vendors will be selling alcoholic beverages on site.
Music City Multi Con reserves the right to change or modify any policy or rule at any time and without notice.